Earl Taylor
Earl Taylor has been the President of the Dorchester Historical Society since 2002. He earned his Master's degree in Library Science from Simmons College and served as a rare book cataloguer at the Boston Public Library and later at the American Antiquarian Society. In 1983 he became the Assistant Librarian of the John Carter Brown Library, then Director of Library Systems at Boston College. In 1987 he switched careers to real estate and mortgages.

John McColgan
John McColgan is an archivist, historian, and Dorchester community activist. He led the community effort to bring “The Pear” and historically themed art to Edward Everett Square in 2007 and 2010.

Doreen Miller
Doreen is a life-long resident and homeowner in Savin Hill. She is active in various community groups and committees working for the benefit of the community. She earned a BA in German from UMass Amherst and an MA in ESL from UMass Boston. She is retired after having taught in the CELOP program at Boston University for 29 years. She is Pear Square’s secretary and is on the website committee.

Richard Tyson
Board Member
Rich is a life-long resident and homeowner in Dorchester. He is active in various community groups and committees working for the benefit of the community. He earned a BS in Computer Science from Northeastern University. He is retired after having worked for the US Environmental Protection Agency for 37 years.

Heidi Moesinger
Board Member
Heidi is a resident of the Savin Hill neighborhood and actively contributes to building community in the area. She has a background in both the arts and business with a BFA from Massachusetts College of Art & Design and an MBA in nonprofit management from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Heidi serves on the Pear Square's website committee.

Board Member
Michael is a long term resident of Boston and a Dorchester resident for seven years. He is a massage therapist at Massachusetts General Hospital and also has a private Dorchester practice. Michael is the founder of the Dorchester Avenue Vision Committee.
Michael Keamy

Board Member

Desmond Rohan
Board Member
Desmond Rohan, a lifelong Boston resident, moved to Dorchester's Polish Triangle in 2004 and then to Columbia-Savin Hill in 2015.
He is currently a Director with John Hancock Investments with oversight of their expense management for 200+ products. He is also a board member and treasurer of both the Dorchester Historical Society and the Columbia Savin Hill Civic Association.
Mr. Rohan is a graduate of Boston College's Carroll School of Management. He also graduated from Boston College Masters program and holds his MBA. He is past board member for both John McCormack Civic Association and the Roger Clap Innovation School both located within the Polish Triangle of Dorchester.

Mike Szkolka
Board Member
Mike hasn't always lived in Dorchester, but the neighborhood has always been home. He works in the Boston Public Schools, and he collaborates with a variety of groups to improve all residents' quality of life. He is especially interested in building meaningful experiences for the city's youth and in creating access and opportunities for those who need it most in the community.
Bill is most associated with the re-development of the Codman Square area of Boston, a multi-cultural community which foundered in the 1970s and became an area known for racial unrest and economic disintegration. Bill was founding president and CEO of the Codman Square Health Center, a major factor in the regeneration of the community, is founding president of Codman Academy Charter School, and most recently was CEO of the South End Community Health Center in Boston. He has been a President and/or CEO of health care organizations for 42 years. He is currently retired from regular employment and writes a weekly column for his community newspaper.
Bill is chair of the Board of Trustees of Bunker Hill Community College, and chair of the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education. He is a trustee of the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education. He was founding president of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network, a founder of the Edward Kennedy Health Careers Academy, a founder of the Center for Community Health, Education, Research and Service at Northeastern University, and founding president of Boston HealthNet. He is a past President of the UMass/Boston Alumni Association and is on its Board of Visitors. He serves on the boards of the Rappaport Center at Boston College Law School, Daily Table, HealthWorks at Codman, and The American City Coalition. Bill served on both Governors Deval Patrick’s and Charlie Baker’s Health Care Transition Committees, and on Acting Mayor Kim Janey’s Transition Committee. Bill has worked on community regeneration efforts in a number of countries around the world, and was involved with the Northern Irish peace process for over a decade. He has received numerous awards for his work and ideas.